HCI Consulting LLC
Step into the LEADER you were meant to be! Unlock the uniqueness of your personality, learn how to communicate effectively and lead with impact.
Get my free guide, “Poise and Potential,” and start confidently showing up as your best self.
For me, your development is personal!
After struggling to feel confident in my own skin for years, I finally decided to do something about it. What started as a quest to conquer my own insecurities and develop my leadership abilities has turned into a system that has helped hundreds step into who they really are and confidently show up in their lives and their leadership like never before.
Read my story

Resources for every stage of the journey

Online courses
Discover our online courses designed to help you become the leader you were meant to be.

DISC assessments & workshops
Behavioral assessments and learning to help you communicate effectively.

Starla is the consummate professional. She can see beyond challenges and excels in seeking solutions for absolute results.
Virginia C.

There are few leaders who have mastered the expertise to transform teams. Starla leads with passion and people who work with or for her are inspired to serve with purpose.
Maviea E
Get started with one of my 6-week courses

Confidence Course
Lack of confidence once held me back, but gaining it transformed me into the leader I was meant to be. I created this free Confidence Course to help you experience the same transformation. Take this essential journey and unlock the leader within you. Join for free because your confidence is too important to wait.
Start this course
An attitude of gratitude
When you come from a place of abundance and gratitude, your whole life will change. This course will help you appreciate life and view challenges and opportunities in a new way.
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